Our package deals allow you to pre-book golf, food and drink at great value prices, and are perfect for special occasions of all shapes and sizes.
Just choose how many people, how much golf, and how much booze is required (yes, we have an unlimited drinks option if you're that kind of group).
Please note that most packages require eight players. If you have a bigger group, we can split your group across several simulators so everyone gets a decent amount of swing time.
You'll also have an area reserved in our lounge before and after play, so you can soak up the famous Urban Golf atmosphere, watch the big game on our giant projector, or throw some shapes to our resident DJ.
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Packages are available for a minimum of eight players, and can be booked online.
Our dedicated team are on-hand to help you find the right package for your event - just give us a call or fill in the enquiry form and we'll get in touch at your convenience.
Please note that packages require a 50% non-refundable deposit to secure your booking, with the balance payable when you visit.
Call us on 0207 248 8600 to discuss your requirements.